SW registration until January 18, 2021 in a test environment
Department of State Revenues in the Karaganda region in connection with the launch of the Pilot project for the registration of SW, provided for by the Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 16, 2020 No. 1104 "On approval of the Rules and timing of the pilot project for the registration of accompanying invoices for goods and their document flow", reports following.
In connection with the work on the delivery of the information system "Electronic invoices" (IS ESF) into industrial operation, the dates of which, among other things, fall on December 31, 2020, the registration of accompanying invoices for goods (SW) until January 18, 2021 must be carried out in a test environment with SNT functionality.
For reference:
1) for a WEB application:
2) for API services:
Registration of accompanying invoices for alcoholic beverages (SNA), petroleum products (SNN) and tobacco products (SW) until January 18, 2021 is carried out in the productive environment of the Taxpayers' Cabinet of IS SONO.
An extract of the electronic invoice for the List of goods for which electronic invoices are issued through the "Virtual warehouse" module of the information system of electronic invoices (Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 23, 2019 No. 384), until January 18, 2021, is carried out by selecting goods from the "Virtual warehouse "in a productive environment on the IS ESF portal or through API services without reference to SW in a test environment.
ESP issuance for other goods is carried out in a productive environment on the IS ESP portal or through API services without using the "Virtual warehouse" module based on SW data reflected in the test environment or form Z-2 data.
If you have any questions, please contact:
1) for technical issues - to the IS ESF support service esfsd@mgd.kz;
2) for other issues - to short number 1414 with forwarding to the CGD of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan.